What’s Happening Next at SOLI

The Spirit of Freedom with Jim Toole


Learn to live life in joyful freedom even within the ever-changing landscape of the stressful circumstances we face every day in the world.  Discover pathways to experiencing freedom WITH rather than freedom FROM what is happening within and around you. Access and experience the sanctuary of your Spirit and its peace, power and presence. The […]


Life Fulfillment – Practical Pathways for Your Purpose


Explore how your inner and personal journey powerfully influences and enhances fulfillment in your life. Discover how living a purposeful life transforms your expression, experience and how you create. Feel the fulfillment of learning to harmonize inspiration and manifestation. This webinar is presented online on Zoom. Please contact Jim at [email protected] or 941-330-5031 to attend.


Being Your Truth Lecture and Event at Spirit University

Spirit University 373 Braden Ave, Sarasota, FL, United States

Please join me for a lecture I Am presenting titled Being Your Truth at the Psychic Fair – Enchanted Tides at Spirit University this Saturday, June 24. The event is from 11 AM to 3 PM and my lecture is scheduled at 1:15 PM. Being Your Truth – Truth is a knowing deeper and higher than […]

Sacred Principles of Prosperity with Jim Toole


Explore the alchemy of creation blending spiritual with practical principles to manifest beyond the limitations of what you believe is possible. Learn how to consciously create windows of awareness, doorways of opportunity and awaken inspiration, creating access into the power and flow of prosperity. The fee is $15, presented online on Zoom. Register at www.spiritoflifeinternational.org […]


Finding Faith in a Troubled World with Jim Toole


Discover pathways to your deepest inspiration and personal truth that sets you free to BE who you truly are in your life and in the world, no matter what is happening around you. Learn to shift your truth to inner knowing to an unshakable faith that creates profound peace and grace. The fee is $15, […]


Meditation for Everyday Life


Explore, discover and experience how meditation can relieve stress, create clarity and better health, helping you live a life filled with joy, peace and freedom. Learn how meditation can benefit you physically, emotionally and mentally while awakening your truth and purpose within. This webinar is presented online on Zoom. Please contact Jim at [email protected] or 941-330-5031 to attend.


The Creation Dynamic – Finding True Fulfillment in Life

Spirit University 373 Braden Ave, Sarasota, FL, United States

Please join me as I present The Creation Dynamic – Finding True Fulfillment in Life  with a great group of others presenting mini lectures on different subjects at Spirit University. This lecture will be an introduction to accessing and experiencing the pure essence of absolute fulfillment. Discover how to manifest through the power of Passion, Purpose and Presence. This […]

Meditation for Everyday Life

All That Is U and Zoom

Explore, discover and experience how meditation can relieve stress, create clarity and better health, helping you live a life filled with joy, peace and freedom. Learn how meditation can benefit you physically, emotionally and mentally while awakening your truth and purpose within. This webinar is presented at allthatisu (1108 N Orange Ave, Sarasota) and online […]


Life Fulfillment – Practical Pathways for Your Purpose

All That Is U and Zoom

Explore how your inner and personal journey powerfully influences and enhances fulfillment in your life. Discover how living a purposeful life transforms your expression, experience and how you create. Feel the fulfillment of learning to harmonize inspiration and manifestation. This webinar is presented at allthatisu (1108 N Orange Ave, Sarasota) and online on Zoom. Please […]


Meditation for Everyday Life

All That Is U and Zoom

Explore, discover and experience how meditation can relieve stress, create clarity and better health, helping you live a life filled with joy, peace and freedom. Learn how meditation can benefit you physically, emotionally and mentally while awakening your truth and purpose within. This webinar is presented online on Zoom. Please contact Jim at [email protected] or 941-330-5031 to attend […]


Life Fulfillment – Practical Pathways for Your Purpose

All That Is U and Zoom

Explore how your inner and personal journey powerfully influences and enhances fulfillment in your life. Discover how living a purposeful life transforms your expression, experience and how you create. Feel the fulfillment of learning to harmonize inspiration and manifestation. This webinar is presented at allthatisu (1108 N Orange Ave, Sarasota) and online on Zoom. Please […]
