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Meditation for Everyday Life

All That Is U and Zoom

Explore, discover and experience how meditation can relieve stress, create clarity and better health, helping you live a life filled with joy, peace and freedom. Learn how meditation can benefit you physically, emotionally and mentally while awakening your truth and purpose within. This webinar is presented at allthatisu (1108 N Orange Ave, Sarasota) and online […]


Life Fulfillment – Practical Pathways for Your Purpose


Explore how your inner and personal journey powerfully influences and enhances fulfillment in your life. Discover how living a purposeful life transforms your expression, experience and how you create. Feel the fulfillment of learning to harmonize inspiration and manifestation. This webinar is presented online on Zoom. Please contact Jim at [email protected] or 941-330-5031 to attend.


Living a Purposeful Life with Jim Toole


Discover the power and presence of a life lived fueled by the true purpose of your Spirit and Being. Discover ways to ignite your passion and awaken your awareness to new levels. Learn practical and inspirational methods to find, know feel and express your deepest and true purpose everyday. The fee is $15, presented online […]
